Our project vision revolves around turning motivation into a lifelong skill.
The problem:
In our developed societies, many people refuse to seek new educational opportunities or participate in social life. The current health crisis has further exacerbated the discomfort of many citizens regarding their civic duties, and some are searching for meaning in paid activities, work, and learning. Young adults, including the unemployed and NEETs, struggle to find employment, and it is increasingly difficult for them to maintain their motivation.
We have identified a real social problem linked to demotivation.
Furthermore, motivation is identified as one of the key factors in NEET status. (Pemberton, 2008; Furlong et al., 2003). The tendency for people’s lack of motivation becomes enduring. This is also the case for adults who are disconnected from society, outside the labor market, or have lost confidence. This trend shows that there is a serious problem in our societies that cannot be sustainably resolved with existing measures. If we do not change our methods to address the motivational issues of our target groups, we will not be able to develop social inclusion.
Our solution is to create a methodology for character development by combining two concepts – GRIT and Growth mindset.
In psychology, GRIT is a positive, non-cognitive trait based on an individual’s perseverance of effort combined with passion for a long-term goal or end state (a powerful motivation to achieve an objective). This effort perseverance promotes overcoming obstacles or challenges encountered on the path to accomplishment and serves as a driving force in achieving success. Distinct yet generally associated concepts within the field include perseverance, toughness, resilience, ambition, need for achievement, and conscientiousness. These constructs can be conceptualized as individual differences related to work accomplishment rather than talent or ability. (http://bit.ly/3eEijJ0)
Therefore, our project focuses on addressing the problem of low motivation with a universal approach that can be helpful for adults and adult educators.
The target groups of this project are:
1. Adults, including NEETs
2. Adult educators/trainers
The project will innovate and create a new competency framework and educational program for adult educators, preparing them exactly for what they need to support and motivate young adults and adults. Additionally, we will focus on training and game-based coaching techniques for adult educators, which will add value to the development of our methodology.
Benefits of using our results for the final target group:
– Improvement of lifestyle and preventive effect of low motivation
– Easier transition from studying to working, based on their passion and intrinsic motivation
– Developing perseverance skills to better cope with any kind of problems in future life
– Significantly reduced possibility of becoming or remaining NEETs
– Better ability to find employment, integrate into society, and maintain social ties
Website https://characterdevelopment.edukopro.com/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Character-development-108260181727291/
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/characterdevelopment2021/
Others https://youtu.be/dfR93jra930 – link Promotional video
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